Oops, I signed in as Josh, and now I can't go back. : )Calgary weather: -6, sunny.Mood: yogified & chocolattended.I have to confess to you, that i'm very possibly addicted to my new gym. I dumped my old gym after 9 years because I wanted something new. I never did a single group class there, but my workout needs have changed, and now I've joined this new place almost entirely FOR its classes, namely yoga & spinning. I feel strange when I miss a day, it's really weird for me. But, what do ya know? I'm heading to beach-ville in 2 weeks and a couple days, so its good timing.I've also been thinking alot about my teaching job, I enjoy it for the most part, but I'm thinking that i'ts not my thing after all. At this point, I can say i've tried it, and its not for me. I miss the hands on skills, the social aspect of emerg (with both patients & my colleagues), and the fact that I'm only responsible for my own actions, not 8 others. I've decided to finish my commitment through to the end of April, and as a typical emerg personality, find something new (in addition to children's emerg) after only 6 months.Josh and I have been brainstorming a bit about what we're going to do with ourselves, and I think i'm going to do a few photography courses, and he's going to do some web design courses, both of us starting this coming spring. These new skills should give us some flexibility with the option of not being held down to one location, and to maintain our ability to travel when we'd like.On the trip: we haven't booked a car yet, and are wondering if we should, or wait until we get to P.V. Anyone have any tips or suggestions on that??? I think we'll spend the first couple days at the resort, and then go exploring after that for the week. We are thinking about spending a couple of nights maybe in Sayulita, so any suggestions or recommendations on a hotel, guesthouse, etc would also be really helpful!The other thing on my mind, a little unrelated, is doggy kennels. Are there any good ones near P.V that we could use if we had to go away for a few days without our pooch? We won't need one for a long while, but its just a thought.Spanish lessons are going, slowly. I'm so impatient, I want to learn it faster! I could sit and just keep going and going, but after a while you can only absorb so much! I'll keep at it, cuz i have a goal to reach before we head down there in T minus 17 days. : )Well, Nixon and I are off to the doggy park, then to the vet for a kennel cough vaccination in preparation for the trip. He's excited for his holiday at the Country Club as well!
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