Jocelyn has been encouraging me to participate in her newly created blog, the initial concept was actually my idea but she seems to have claimed it as her own, so we’ll call it Jocelyn’s blog.
We’ve booked our flight! We leave on Feb. 28th for a two week stay in Puerto Vallarta. This will only be a quick trip to check out a variety of coastal locations and determine if Mexico is really for us. The plan is to land in Puerto Vallarta and travel from there via rental car north, potentially south visiting numerous cities and towns. Should one appeal to us we may arrange to meet with a local realtor for a quick real estate tour. This should give us some incite into the pricing and construction quality we can expect in Mexico. (I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s available). We’ve outlined the following as important factors in the city or town we’d potentially settle in…
- Close to international airport
- Close to beach for water sports
- Within driving distance to schools
- Good healthcare
- Pet friendly
- Close to shopping
- Something smaller
Puerto Vallarta will become our home base for the purpose of this trip, I doubt we’d consider living there, it’s too busy and too tourist driven but it’s a good central location for what we’ve setout to accomplish. Some of the towns were considering are Bucerias, Sayulita & San Francisco. Feel free to provide other suggestions if you know any.
So there you have it, the flights are booked, we need to find a rental car & download GSP maps for Mexico. Other then that we should be good to go.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten or missed a number of subjects Jocelyn would have liked to include so watch for her updates shortly.
What’s Happening Around Here?
8 months ago
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