Although the weather here isn't too horrible this week, I find myself counting down the days until our Mexico trip. It's been almost 6 years since Josh and I have been last, but this time it has a different feel. Its not just an ordinary lie-on-the-beach kind of holiday, and for one, Josh is unable to do that, and I from spending too much time with him, cannot either. This time, I am looking forward to seeing what it would be like to live there, and seeing where the locals might hangout. It's the possiblility of a new place to live. We're learning some spanish, which is exciting for me anyway, but probably not enough to get us anywhere just yet. Anyway, this "holiday" is about exploring the country in hopes that it might be our destination of choice!
We've started doing a few things to get ready for a move. After Christmas we did a complete house purge, and got rid of anything that was useless, unused, or unwanted. We took a truck load each to goodwill and to the dump. A few framed pictures donated to the hospital, some books to the school, and a couple things to friends and family. Afterwards we felt pretty darn refreshed. We can live with a lot less than what we've got now.
We've started learning spanish on our new Rosetta Stone program that we got for Christmas, and so far its pretty amazing. It's like learning from the start, like a baby.
We've done some research on possible moving locations.
Josh has quit his job as of this coming August, and is looking for new options, which just happens to be perfect timing.
My job is flexible, as I work casual at the hospital, and can go at the drop of a hat if need be. I can keep my licence as an RN as long as I do 1 shift in 6 months, which I think i can handle.
We're getting scuba certified this spring, and hope to do some surfing on our trip next month.
Other odds and ends that need more consideration include our house, and cars, and timing for the move. And, of course, whether or not our destination is the one for us.
The biggest question in my mind now, and likely others, is what are we going to do for work? Well, we're not sure yet, but we're hoping that when we're down there either this time, or next winter we'll come across an opportunity, and find a void somewhere that needs to be filled. We'd like to do some volunteering, and maybe that would lead to something a bit more long term. We still haven't decided if we're going year round, or just for the winters. I think I like the snowbird idea for now at least until we really know we love living there. Calgary is quite lovely in the summer, not too hot, not too cold. Lots of sunlight. And, the wakeboarding at lake Koocanusa just cannot be given up.
Lots to ponder, I'm having difficulty concentrating on my day to day life these days... its all about Mexican dreaming. Beach. Warm. Yay
What’s Happening Around Here?
8 months ago
Josh and Jocelyn, I love your blog and I love your title. I love your quest to live life to the fullest. That is how our family ended up in sunny Mexico. I will be cheering for you! Let me know if I can be of any assistance. It is a beautiful adventure.
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